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The Neurophysiological Plausibility of Discriminant Saliency

In this page we discuss the neurophysiological plausibility of the proposed bottom-up discriminant saliency detector (DSD). We first give a brief overview of the detector, and then discuss the connections to the neurophysiology of early visual processing.

Discriminant center-surround saliency detector

Bottom-up saliency is defined as a center-surround classification problem. At every image location, saliency is equated to the power of a set of Gabor-like features to discriminate between the stimuli at that location (the center) and those in a surrounding window (the surround). Discrimination is measured by the mutual information between features and the center-surround label. Natural image statistics are exploited to derive a computationally parsimonious mechanism. The implementation of the detector is presented in Figure 1: the image is first decomposed into various feature maps, such as color, intensity, and orientation. Each feature map is then subject to a center-surround operation, to generate a feature saliency map (Figure 2) which measures feature discrimination (mutual information) at each image location. A global saliency map is finally computed by pooling all feature-based saliency maps.

Figure 1: The bottom-up discriminant saliency detector.

Figure 2: Illustration of discriminant center-surround saliency operation.

Consistency with the standard neural architecture of V1

It is well known that the application of band-pass filters to natural images produces features whose statistics comply with the generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD). For these features, all computations of discriminant saliency can be implemented by the following neural network, which consists of a combination of simple and complex cells, and is fully compatible with the standard neural architecture of V1. The network has three layers: 1) the first layer consists of linear filtering and (differential) divisive normalization, and is consistent with the divisive normalization model of simple cells; 2) the second layer recitifies the output of the first layer by a quadratic nonlinearity and pools such outputs in a neighborhood, akin to the energy model of complex cells; 3) a third layer, which performs pooling across feature channels, and can be mapped into a cortical column.

Holistic functional justification, and statistical inference, in V1

In addition to proving the physiological plausibility of discriminant saliency, the parallel between the above network and the standard architecture of V1 also offers a holistic functional justification for V1: that it has the capability to optimally detect salient locations in the visual field, when optimality is defined in a decision-theoretic sense and certain approximations are allowed, for the sake of computational parsimony. It can also be shown that, for stimuli compliant with natural image statistics, there is a rich set of explicit correspondences between the components of the discriminant saliency network and the fundamental operations of probabilistic inference. In particular, all components (cells) of the standard V1 architecture have a statistical interpretation, and this interpretation covers the three fundamental operations of statistical inference: probability inference, decision rules, and feature selection. The correspondence is as follows

    simple cells - assess probabilities.
    differential simple cells - implement decision rules.
    complex cells - feature detectors that evaluate mutual information.
The fundamental operation of statistical learning, parameter estimation, is also performed within the architecture, through the divisive normalization subjacent to all computations.