The evaluation of a QBSE system requires three databases:
a training database, used by the semantic labeling system
to learn concept probabilities, a retrieval database, from
which images are to be retrieved, and a database of query
images, which plays the role of test set.
Training Database
The Corel dataset was the training database for all
experiments. This dataset, henceforth referred to as Corel50,
consists of 5, 000 images from 50 Corel Stock Photo CDs,
divided into a training set of 4, 500 images (used to learn
the semantic space), and a test set of 500 images (not used
in the learning stage). Each CD includes 100 images of a
common topic, and each image is labeled with 1-5 semantic
concepts. Overall there are 371 keywords in the data set,
leading to a 371-dimensional semantic simplex. All images
were represented as bags of 8 � 8 vectors of discrete cosine
transform (DCT) coefficients, extracted from the three
channels of the YBR color space. The parameters of the
semantic class mixture hierarchies were learned in the subspace
of the first 21 DCT coefficients from each channel.
Retrieval and Query Database
Retrieval performance was evaluated on three databases
Corel50, Flickr18 and Corel151. Inside the semantic space
Corel50 served as both retrieval and query database. More
precisely, the 4500 training images served as the retrieval
database and the remaining 500 as the query database.
Outside the semantic space, we used the two other databases.
Corel15, consists of 1, 500 images from 15 previously
unused Corel CDs. Flickr18, was collected on-line
(from and contains 1800 images divided
into 18 classes according to the manual annotations
provided by the online users. These images are shot by
flickr users, and hence differ from the Corel Stock photos,
which have been shot professionally. In both cases, 20% of
randomly selected images served as queries and the remaining
80% as the retrieval database.
The QBVE system only requires a query and a retrieval
database, which were, in all experiments, made identical to
the query and retrieval databases used by the QBSE system.